“Chronic pain can be debilitating and draining. What you may not know is that it’s a learned pain, and an illness in itself.

For example, consider a dog with shoulder pain. When he puts his weight on the sore leg, he develops a protective posture. In other words, the shoulder muscles contract to protect the leg from impact, thereby creating a limp. This contraction also leads to a reduction in blood fl ow to the area, a decrease in proper muscle function, and a buildup of lactic acid and other chemicals that maintain inflammation. If the pain is persistent, it becomes stored in the brain and at that point becomes a chronic illness, a memory engram. Every time the muscle contracts, the brain thinks there’s going to be pain, and that perpetuates it and makes it chronic. The pain switch is always in the “on” position because the initial (acute) painful event was not remedied.

Conventional treatments for chronic pain include non-steroidal anti-inflammatories and non-opioid drugs, but what happens when the pain can no longer be successfully or safely treated with these chemicals? Recent research and advances in veterinary physiotherapy have opened doors on many new ways to help reduce or eliminate chronic pain. These include massage therapy, therapeutic exercises, acupuncture, lasers, ultrasound, TENS therapy, hyperthermia, nutraceuticals, support devices like braces and wheelchairs – and more recently, extra-corporeal shock wave therapy or ESWT.” – Cindy Kneebone, Animal Wellness Magazine

Continue Reading more on Treating Chronic Pain in Animals with Shock Wave Therapy at https://animalwellnessmagazine.com/treating-chronic-pain-with-eswt

Also explore other information about shockwave in animal health with our blog on ESWT with Canines Experiencing Osteoarthritis in the Stifle Joint – http://kinasmedical.com/2021/12/osteoarthritis-in-the-stifle-joint-eswt/